__ __ __ __ __ | |_|__.-----.--.--.| |--.---.-.-----| |--..----.-----|__.-----. | _| | | | || _ | _ |__ --| || __| _ | |__ --| |____|__|__|__|___ ||_____|___._|_____|__|__||____|___ |__|_____| |_____| |_____|
Admin - Tiny CGI Log Aggregator
This is the single CGI that I use to view all Tiny CGI logs plus
the CGI error log on my server. As is, it reads my Apache error log,
and whatever other logs I am using (varies wildly from version to
version). To use the error log part you will have to
alter the path to the error file and the two array indices which pull
the basename of the CGI out of the 404 line. Then set your remote IP
and you are ready to go. A call to /cgi-bin/admin.cgi gives you the
logs and /cgi-bin/admin.cgi?mode=env gives you the remote environment
plus any post data you send it.
dnld admin 2 kb - 04feb15
Blink - Tiny Public Blog
Blink is a small public-access blog engine. It supports running
multiple blogs. It displays a main page and links for accessing older
posts. It allows a reader to search for posts. Each blog can be oldest
post first or newest post first. Any blog can be set to take public
posts or allow comments. Admin functions include archiving all blogs
and the viewing and deletion of new posts and comments. Posts can also
utilize a semiotic bolding of definitions and automatic linking to all
definitions. All functionality is in one CGI file under 16 kb.
dnld blink
8 kb - 11nov13
Blip - The Tiniest Blog
Blip is a tiny Bash blog engine. There is a 3kb blog engine
serving multiple blogs. There is also a 1kb post engine and a 2kb
write engine for remote posting by IP address access.
dnld blip 3 kb - 24nov13
Exchanges - Structured Dialectical CGI
Exchanges is a Bash CGI script that publishes open posts
sequentially. It allows new posts to be injected between older posts.
Owners of posts may edit or delete them. Anyone may comment on them. By
default, one views the entire document.
dnld exchanges 10 kb - 08may17
Huida - Scaling an Individual Response to the Internet
Huida provides user query access to a single individual's
responses. Scaling the potential demand to individual capacity is
done by using PayPal for purchasing access. It could also be done
through any other method of dispensing access tokens to throttle
demand. Huida is a single 12kb Bash CGI script which handles the
threads of query and response and all admin functions. It also
generates static pages of user-published content to a public venue.
dnld huida 5 kb - 22nov13
Illich Post - A Simple Skill Exchange CGI
Ivan Illich proposed that there be Skill Exchanges where students
can come to find lists of teachers. Illich Post is a single CGI script
that creates an individualized Skill Exchange just by writing one HTML
dnld illich post 4 kb - 10oct12
Ivan Post - A Simple Peer Matching CGI
Ivan Illich proposed Peer Matching facilities where people could
come to find other people to do specific things together with. Ivan Post
is a single CGI script that creates an individualized Peer Matching site
just by writing one HTML file. Note that ivan.cgi has nothing to
do with peer-to-peer technology. It is more of a very loose
social-networking facilitator. (I add this because search keyphrases
show people come here looking for the peer-to-peer stuff.)
dnld ivan post 4 kb - 10oct12
Mu2 - HTML Markup Engine with CGI Wrapper
Mu2 is a small awk script which converts a groff-like markup
to HTML. Mu2.cgi is a small shell script wrapper for using mu2 on
the web. Here's a mu source example and its
HTML derivative.
dnld mu2 1 kb - 17sep11
Tooner - Show Sequential Images
Tooner serves multiple cartoon blogs which consist of a header,
a footer, a title, a description, and some images.
dnld tooner 3 kb - 15feb16
Treebeard - Community Topical Forest
Treebeard is a system of CGI scripts that create an open topical
forest. This is a community Web site approach that lets each user tend
his or her own branch of the tree. It includes the treebeard, treedonly,
treeadmin, and treeimage CGI scripts
dnld treebeard 8 kb - 10oct12
The Deep Server
The deep server isn't exactly Bash. It's in C and Lua. But it
is tiny. Does lots of stuff -- web content, logging, blogging,
I forget what all it does. Enjoy.
dnld deep 150 kb - 08jul14
Contact info is here